Vitamin D: Vital To Your Health

    Most of us spend the majority of the daylight hours at work. We get busy, we have responsibilities to take care of after work, and sometimes it feels like there simply isn't time to catch a breath of fresh air. Many Americans are being diagnosed with a vitamin D deficiency. So what is vitamin D and why is it important?
    Vitamin D is generated by being out in the sunshine, and it has been linked to numerous health benefits. One of the most interesting benefits is
that the proper levels of vitamin D will help you lose weight. Your body uses vitamin D to regulate whether it should be storing fat or burning it. Your brain also uses this vitamin to regulate hunger and cravings, and increase serotonin levels.
    Other studies have shown that vitamin D is linked to an increased immune system, including the ability to better fight off colds, flus, and upper respiratory diseases. Additionally vitamin D also helped lower the body's risk of getting an infection.
    Many people champion vitamin D not only for those small feats, but also for helping with bone health. It can help with calcium absorption and has shown to be a great way to build strong bones. Proper levels of calcium are a great defense against osteoporosis and arthritis.
    Most commonly people get their dose of vitamin D from the sun, but that isn't always the easiest or most convenient way. There are also some vitamin D rich foods like milk, eggs, fish, fresh fruit and vegetables, as well as cod liver oil. Additionally there are some dietary supplements that can be taken to boost levels of vitamin D that are widely available at health and grocery stores.
     There is also another way to increase vitamin D levels without being in the sun, and that is through visiting the tanning salon. The tanning beds use UV based bulbs which stimulate your body to create increased levels of vitamin D. There is also the increased benefit of having your skin look tan, and feeling better through increased serotonin levels.
    If you've never been to the tanning salon before it is a great experience. On your first visit it is best to consult one of the experts on site for the proper time limit you should spend in the tanning bed. Most beginners start at about three to five minutes and gradually work their way up. It is also advised to purchase the proper tanning lotion so your skin can best absorb the UV rays and hold its color.
In conclusion vitamin D is very important for your health and wellbeing. Take some time go for a walk in the sun, eat some fresh fruit and vegetables, or visit the tanning salon.

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