Vegetable Health Benefits

    While mothers all over the world never shy from reminding their kids to eat vegetables, the missing link is in explaining the vegetable health benefits that make eating vegetables worthwhile. Let's admit it, the taste of many vegetables does not make them great favorites among kids, especially when there are other choices around. However, wouldn't it be more proactive to teach our kids the value of vegetables based on their health benefits so they can begin forming the right eating habits at an early age? It is this mind-set that should be deeply ingrained in our adult minds and subsequently passed on to the next generation.
Here are some of the reasons why vegetables are so healthy for us.

· Vegetables are good for us because they pack a lot of vitamins and minerals that are not present in meat and meat-based products. For example, green vegetables are rich in iron, magnesium, calcium, sodium, and selenium while yellow vegetables are packed with Vitamin A, Vitamin C, B-vitamins, and Vitamin K among others. Eating at least two servings of various vegetables a day can easily meet all your daily dietary requirements making them one of the more complete food groups that you will ever find.
· Another aspect of vegetable health benefits center around "things that vegetables do not have." One of the biggest criticisms against meat and carbohydrates is that these have too much fat or calories which result in all sorts of health problems. Fats and cholesterol are widely blamed for heart ailments due to clogging of the arteries. Carbohydrates, on the other hand, can lead to excessive weight gain which results in obesity and a slew of other health concerns that come along with it. Because these are not present in vegetables, you can literally have as many as you want without acquiring any health risk.
· Vegetable health benefits are also spurred on by antioxidants that are great for fighting various illnesses. Antioxidants function in a variety of situations, often as neutralizing agents to disease-causing free radicals, but also as anti-inflammatory substances to manage the onset of pain. Antioxidants are also great for boosting immunity.
· Vegetables are rich in dietary fiber which helps sweep the digestive tract and remove accumulated toxins and other deposits from unhealthy diets. This can help reduce the likelihood of many digestive illnesses as well as more serious conditions like colon and stomach cancers. A clean digestive tract also enhances digestion which then improves the absorption of nutrients the next time you eat.
    So, make no mistake that vegetable health benefits can significantly enhance your life. They have the combination of healthy nutrients that you eat and bad substances that you are taking out of your diet. Plus, with so many different types of vegetables to choose from and so many ways to prepare them, you will practically never run out of options. Eat them as is, put them in your favorite dishes, prepare healthy green salads, or eat them raw. With so many things that you can do with vegetables, you will have no problem partaking of the many health benefits they bring to keep your body and mind in top running condition.
If you would be interested in learning just what benefits each vegetable has, be sure and check out the many articles we have on the many different types.

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