The Cure for Binging on Comfort Food

    Binging, and over-eating are the major causes of gaining weight and becoming overweight. Binging and over-eating are symptoms that you are having problems communicating with your body!
The fact is, thin people rarely binge. That's because there is no food that is "forbidden fruit". If thin people are hungry, or desire something sweet or special, they'll eat it, and not beat themselves up for it! AND, they stop eating when they're full!
But it's different for people who are unhappy with their body. First, they have a negative mindset of
  • "I shouldn't"
  • "I can't"
  • "if I eat that I'm undisciplined and _________"
  • some other negative self-talk about themselves and their body
It's hard to say "no" forever to something that you really want!
The reason why is explained in the insightful lyrics of a song from Credence Clearwater Revivial:

"Give me a drink of water, make it against the law; see how good the water tastes because you can't have it anymore"
    How do you stop binging forever? EAT what you want! But turn off the TV, stop talking, or "IMing", pay attention to the taste, and ENJOY what you are eating mindfully! See how long you can actually MAINTAIN your focus on the food, just as in meditation!
    Your body has very sophisticated feedback systems to keep you at a set weight point. Science has shown that after the first few bites of a food, it will lose the same "intensity", of extremely good taste. That's your signal from your body: "get ready to stop eating"!
    When you ignore those signals, that's when you will over-eat and start gaining weight! Your stomach knows when you've had enough, and all you have to do is pay attention. If you are binging, you are not using food to fill an empty stomach; you are using it to fill an emptiness in your heart; or your thoughts.
    Eating mindfully is a great stress reliever, and will relieve binging and over-eating. While eating mindfully, you leave behind stressful events going on in your life, and use this time to focus on nurturing yourself with good food, and relaxation. With sustained focus, you will notice that you are full and are not eating as much, but enjoying it more! And your stress will dissipate.
    Dieting is unnecessary and it's destructive of the sophisticated system that nature has provided to make certain you eat the right amount food for your immediate needs. When you cut back on calories, your body gets a message that you are under stress and reacts by slowing down your metabolism to keep you alive. That is the number one most important job of your body. It operates to keep you safe, properly fed and stress free.
    Dieting destroys your natural balance of hunger and satiation. It puts your body into stress, and 95% guarantees that you will gain back the weight you starved yourself to lose. Don't diet!
    Instead, practice eating mindfully, trusting and appreciating your intelligent body that is designed to keep you alive and healthy!
So eat up, enjoy it - Mindfully!

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